1. Thursday Luau/Pep Rally
2. But I've never really talked to you, Prom Suitor...
3. Attorney General's Cup
4. NFL/ITS & $50,0000 from First Hawaiian Bank
5. Volleyball Championships
6. Post-AP Exam Celebration
7. AP Lit Creative Writing Assignment
8. Falsetto-Voiced Male Singers = Hot?
1. Thursday Luau/Pep Rally: On Thursday of last week our school shortened classes to 35 minutes each. Kids came to school sheathed and adorned in island wear: lava-lavas, mwarmwars, leis, Scotts, mumus, the whole hubbub. It was cool. And, yes, I took part in the festivities, too. (But, hey, island wear is comfortable!) All the classes (Freshmen, Sophomores, etc.) and clubs set up booths in the hallways, selling food and drinks. I ended up spending the whole school day helping Gretchen with her AG speech, though. It was fun hanging with Gretch. I got free icecream at the Video Productions Club booth, and I'm not even in the Video Productions Club. I got a great seat in front of the stage area; I had to squash into a beach chair with Gretch, but we were as close to the stage as we could be. She and I got to watch all the performances, in one particular performance (the Sophomore Class performance) Gretchen remarked how one of their male dancers (their only dancer) was "fucking hot". Later when I was helping her memorize her speech at the Vid Productions booth, she called him over and told him "You know what? You're hot. You should be f**king every girl in the school. I would, but you're too young. And short." His reply, "Oh..thanks.." Shortly after he left, she turned to me and said, "Rachel, you should f**k Fredo." It's going to be really awkward running into Fredo from now on.... Gin...
2. But I've never really talked to you, Prom Suitor... : For the past two weeks my friend Paul has kept nudging me into going to prom, saying "You should go!" and "Cmon, it's prom". Many of my other friends have been doing the same. "But it's prom!" "Go, Rachel!" On Wednesday. Paul asked "So what if someone asked you?" I reply, "Haha... I doubt that." He goes, "Ok, so what if a reeaaly hot guy asked you?" I go, "Really hot guy? Cmon, Paul, don't be nonsensical. And don't you think it's a little late for me to get asked to the prom anyway?" He retorts, "No. Prom is two weeks from now. It's not too late." This altercation between Paul and I carries on throughout the week. Lo and behold, on Wednesday of last week, my friend Amber (who knows little to nothing about Paul, and vice versa) approaches me with that look on her face. She asks me with a cemented grin accross her face, "Rachel, if someone asks you to prom, what would you say?" Miscontruing who she was referring to, I asked in reply, "Who's asking you to prom?" She repeats the question. I start to realize what she's saying. I give the same question in reply. She repeats hers. I finally raise the courage to ask, "Is someone asking me to prom?" She nods. The conversations leads into a mess of other stuff. She tells me that this senior-friend of her's approached her and asked her if she talked to me often. She says that I'm her love, and that she does. He asked what would I say if he asked me to prom, are my parents strict? They are, but she'll ask me. He says that I'm "cute" and that he likes my "soft voice"??? Amber asked "Which Rachel?" to clarify. He says, "The small one, Roland's younger sister." Oy... Lo and behold, by Wednesday Paul's wanton jabberings on someone asking me to prom become truths and I'm angry, because this senior-friend of Amber's is someone I know of but don't know. I just know his name and that he's a senior and that people say that he's got this "really sweet ride". But I don't know him... I don't what to say... I'm kinda scared.. This enigma reminds me of my freshman year when one of Amber's friends asked me to prom. He was also a senior, and he went all out as to offer to pay for my dress and for whatever I want to get done at the parlor and my admission fee... But I didn't know him... Am I being ungrateful? Or wise? And what guy, in his right mind, would ask a girl he hardly knows to Prom, let alone, out? Oy... :(
3. Thanks to Friday having been a austerity holiday, I got to watch the Attorney General's Cup at the Guma Hustisia. Everyone did a wonderful job. Although many had their doubts about the placing of winners, I think it was a good showing for the government officials who were in attendance. Let's see you attempt to cut the Youth Congress budget now, huh?? Nah, I'm just kidding. The competition was thrilling to watch. I came a bit late, but was early enough to catch Gretchen's speech. I ended up standing in the waaay back, in front of the door leading out of the court, next to who could've been Henry's dad... I was far from weary standing, watching Gin's speech had me on the heels of my heels. Later on during the comp, Agnes and I got to sit in the 4th or 5th row. Here's a short critique on speeches I remember:
Gretchen had an overall balanced speech--fitted with a more-than-adequate amount of research that balanced her emotion and the fluidity of her speech. Her stance on the issue (anti-federalization) was detrimentental to her score; especially after Victoria Bellas' speech that was proved the undeniable logic in pro-federalization. There were moments when the audience member questioned Gretchen's sincerity in her words. Although the emotion was there, one would ask whether or not she really meant what she was saying.
Victoria Bellas' speech was one of the most convincing and easy to follow in regards to the issue. The way she organized it clashed with how the AG speech presented it's questions. Her speech was more of a "This is what would happen if this happened. It's illogical for that to happen because of so and so. Therefore, this is the only choice we've got"-kind of speech, as opposed to a "The issue asks about this. In reference to the issue you've got to consider this. In considering this, comes the prospect of this. The prospect of this would be detrimental because of this"-kind of speech. I also thought that her speech lacked emotion, and that she could've done better in phrasing what she was saying. It made an impact, but it could've made a crash and pow. Even so, I favored her logic above most of the other's. Her content and stance was dead-on.
Taylor's speech had the the coolest introductions! She had the audience thinking "Huh??" for that whole period where she was talking in foreign languages. She got her onlookers' attentions by forcing them to decipher what she was saying, or rather "What the heck she's doing up there?" Haha, I loved it. Her's stood out a lot. I think that it was cool how she quoted Lino Olopai. I think that got the local's in the audience to hunch up a bit, I saw it in some of the judge's faces. She had the "awww..." speech.
Henry's speech seemed a little unprepared. He did make a strong impression on the audience, though, as he went overtime and still kept going. Perhaps, he was thinking "You know what? F this, I'll just keep going." He had a balance of emotion and research, as well as logic, to boot. If his speech was shortened and didn't go overtime, then I think he would've placed higher than sixth. I speculate over whether or not he impromptued some parts of his speech, perhaps his ending. Even so, it was a forceful speech.
Andrew Kakuse's speech was very organized and had a profusion of facts, showing that he did do his research. In my perspective, I think he lacked a lot of emotion.
Cyd's speech had emotion on high gear. It reminded me of the quote by T. Harv Eker: "When faced with emotion and reason, the human mind will almost always choose emotion". I liked Cyd's speech. It made the biggest impact on the audience. I like his presentation, and could see his sincerity in most parts of his speech. I could see that it was heartfelt. I think that he took a lot of caution in choosing his words, and that he found some words to be questionable, like his ending where he says "Thank you......and farewell." It sounded awkward. Although he made the biggest impact with the audience via emotion, he should've included more facts so as to validate that he did adequate research. But I have my doubts on this critique. Yes, his speech seemed like it was more of a performance than it was a speech, and it didn't really meet the criteria of the issue, but the AG Cup is, after all, a speech-giving competition... He "gave" a good speech. Perhaps he didn't "write" the best one; but he "gave" the best one.
4. After the AG Cup, I spent a couple minutes chatting with Agnes. My mom came to pick me up, I asked if she could take me to MHS so that I could get my forms handed in to Mr. Easton for NFL and Thespian before 1 PM (deadline). It turned out that I still had to fill out the College Audition form for Thespian, which had to be accessed through my student account on the thespian festival website, downloaded, filled out digitally, and printed. What a mess.. I rushed to see if the school library was open, being that a lot of the Video Productions students were there filming projects. The Vid Prod class was open (2nd floor of the school library), but the library was closed. "Arrgh", I thought. Easton said that he'd be there till 5:30 most likely. Mom and I drove over to Joeten Kiyu Library. Closed. She drove me over to the computer/internet cafe near Joeten Susupe, Millenium. It was around 3 PM when she dropped me off at Millenium. It took 2 hours for me and the Millenium guy to get the PDF for the form to open, only because I secretly downloaded another version of Adobe Acrobat when he went behind his desk. Haha. Sorry. But, I was desperate! Once we got the PDF to work, I rushed to fill out the application; all the while thinking whether or not Thespian was worth the trouble, do I really want to do this, do I really want to drop $500 bucks off of my savings account for the tuition, do I really want to audition for colleges so as to get onto their Early Enrollment list shunning off other colleges I wish to apply to in my senior year; do I have any other choice besides the one where my fundraising costs for JSA go up another $2000 because I decided not to go from NFL to ITS to JSA and instead NFL to Saipan to JSA? 5:30 PM hits. I have no time to wait for my mom to drive over here. I end up printing the form, paying for my hours, and storming out of the place. I end up rushing to school in my skirt, button-down blouse, and heels. Heels + Gravel = Ouch. Heels + Soil = Watchitdontfall! I get to school, turn in my forms, then Easton says that I have to get my counselor to sign it. My counselor is off-island! Even so, I rush (again) to the main office to see if Mrs. Borja, our principal, was in or maybe one of the other counselor's. I open the Main Office door and I find this collosal check staring me int the face! On it I see "$50,0000" to "Marianas High School" from "First Hawaiian Bank". WHOAH!!! Mrs. Borja, Ms. Barcinas and I chat over this unbelievable phenomenon for a few minutes. Ms. Barcinas says she could fill out my form, "be back in 30 minutes". I step out and realize that the zipper of my skirt was 60% unzipped and that the back of my skirt was on my left hip. Haha! What a day?! I walk underneath the steps near the edge of the building and readjust. I get to Easton's, catch my breath, study some AP Bio (I brought my books to AG with me), and head back to the Main Office. On the way there, I run into Ann who was to meet with Mr. Cabrera to discuss prom committee matters. We have chat on the way there. In it, she tells me of how I should really really go to prom. I pick up my form, and say thanks and au revoir. I'm in silent shock to find out that I'm ranking 10th in the Junior Class after having been absent 5 weeks in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quarters (my absences were interspersed). I keep this to myself so as to avoid getting whipped later in the quarter by myself. I drop off my form at Easton's, Ann with me all the while.
5. After getting all that done, Ann asks if I want to accompany her to the Volleyball championships? Why not? So Ann and I peruse into the MHS Gym, me still in my formal wear. Haha, how fitting. lol. The game started at 4:30 but we made the Kagman/GCA game. Ann and I decide to grab something to eat at Joeten. On the way out we meet Jeannie, who tags along with us. We hop in Ann's car and turn the radio up and roll the windows down. Talk about catharsis. We drop Jeannie home and head back to the gym. We miss the last half of the Kagman/Mount Carmel game. But! We make it for the MHS/GCA game... 5 sets. Game point is 25. Emily, Arwin, Daisy, Jenen, Stacey, and Mindy show up. The gym is packed. Ann and Emily scream there throats irreparable for the 1st two sets and I finally join them in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th. (And keep in mind that this was the 1st time ever for me to "Wooo!" "MHS! MHS! MHS!" at decibels higher than my normal volume. Haha! NOW talk about CATHARSIS! lol... And guess what?!?!? MHS won!!!!! Whoohooohoot! Eee! Eee! Eee! At the game, I saw Bo and Christina, I run over in between the 3rd and 4th set and get to give hugs. I bring up the idea of a Post-AP Exam Celebration and Bo is all for it.
6. Post AP Exam Celebration: Who's up for it? I'm thinking movies...or bowling...or something! Just no studying!!!
7. It's 3:18 AM. I haven't slept a wink. Last night I came up with a quick, easy, and creative way to complete my AP Lit class creative writing assignments. Dr. Algaier gave us a bunch of vocabulary words that we have to use in some sort of "creative writing". All the words are separated into chapters of ten. There are aroung 170 words. I think. I figure(d) that a "way" to breeze through this assignment would be to use the vocabs in MSN conversations. I had 6 conversations on MSN last night, each with 6 different people. In these 6 conversations, I used 152 vocabulary words. Oh, yeah.... :D I also did two other CW's: one was a short prose on "Thoughts", another on a family member, and 3 other nonsensical ramblings.
8. Robin Thicke, Justin Timberlake, Pharrell... Why are they so hot? They sing in high-pitched falsetto tones irregular for manly men. So why are they so hot? I don't know... But they just are. :)
Here's a sample:
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