Monday, September 3, 2007

Spoonerisms, Moon in Prisms... Interesting. :)

know your blowsblow your nose
go and shake a towergo and take a shower
tease my earsease my tears
nicking your posepicking your nose
you have very mad bannersyou have very bad manners
lack of piespack of lies
it's roaring with painit's pouring with rain
sealing the hickhealing the sick
go help me sodso help me God
pit nickingnit picking
bowel feastfoul beast
I'm a damp stealerI'm a stamp dealer
hypodemic nurdlehypodermic needle
wave the sailssave the whales
chipping the flannel on TVflipping the channel on TV
mad bunnybad money
I'm shout of the hourI'm out of the shower
lead of spitespeed of light
this is the pun fartthis is the fun part
I hit my bunny phoneI hit my funny bone
flutter bybutterfly
bedding wellswedding bells
I must mend the sailI must send the mail
cop pornpopcorn
it crawls through the faxit falls through the cracks
my zips are lippedmy lips are zipped
bat flatteryflat battery
would you like a nasal hut?would you like a hazel nut?
puke oncoupon
belly jeansjelly beans
eye ballbye all
fight in your raceright in your face
ready as a stocksteady as a rock
no tailstoe nails
hiss and learlisten here
soul of balladbowl of salad

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