Saturday, September 15, 2007

"To all the boys I've loved before" - Mayda de Valle

I love Project Gutenberg. I've been able to find priceless online books that would most likely be pricey offline. Here are quotes from a book I found that was dated back to the 18th-19th century.

1. The greater a man's faith in himself, the greater his mistress hers in
him. And perhaps, the greater his mistress her faith in a man, the
greater his in himself. For A woman's faith in a man works wonders.
2. A man to whom a woman cannot look up, she cannot love.
3. Heaven help the man who is dragged into a quarrel between two wrathful
4.What a paltry thing, after all, is man, man uncomplemented by woman! Left
to himself, he stagnates; linked with a woman, he rises---or sinks. A
gentle touch stimulates him, a confiding heart makes of him a new
creature. Under the rays of feminine sympathy, he expands who else would
remain inert. Fame may allure him, friends encourage him, fortune cause
him a momentary smile, but only woman makes him; and fame, friends,
fortune, all are naught if there be not at his side a sharer of his weal.
A man will strive for fortune, strip himself for friends, scour the earth
for fame; but were there no woman in the world to be won, not one of
these things would he do.
5. The man who declares he understands women, declares his folly. For, If woman were not such a mystery, she would not be such an attraction.
6. A woman asks a woman questions in order to discover something. She asks
a man questions in order to discover the man.
7. It is not within the capability of man to evoke or to develop the
totality of woman. There are feminine potentialities he is powerless to
awake. There is a portion of womanliness always hidden from him. To her
babe alone she opens the innermost recesses of her soul
8. They say a woman cannot argue. Hear her explain an indiscretion!
9. An independent woman is a contradiction in terms. For
Woman's chief want is to feel that she is wanted.
10. Naturally, Women are made to soothe, to pity, to comfort, to delight. Therefore it
is that To see a strong man in a weak woman's arms is a sight which should arouse
--not our laughter, but our(1) envy.
11. A penitent woman is rare: Even when a man, with his so-called superior reason, thinks he has proved
her wrong, at the bottom of her heart she knows herself right.
12. All women are rivals. And this they never forget. Consequently Mistrust a truce between hostile ladies.
13. Is the star any the less starry to the rapt star-gazer when he finds it
to be a tremulous planet?
14. Speak to a woman disparagingly of her sex,--she is up in arms. Speak to her disparagingly of a member of her sex,--well, she will not be up in arms.
15. A woman can say more in a sigh than a man can say in a sermon.
16. Under the gaze of a group of men whom she knows that her brilliancy
dazzles, a woman, like the snow-clad hearth, sparkles:
Under the gaze of a man by whom she knows she is passionately desired,
like the same earth under the lordly sun, she melts.
17. The women who perturb men most are those who combine too effectively
adorableness with desirableness.
18. As a rule, women are far better readers of character than are men. A
woman will often startle a man by her penetrating insight into character.
19. The defenselessness of woman is a conventional fiction: she can avert an
attack by a look; she can terminate a siege by a taunt.
20.Women--whether young or old, married or single, strong-minded or weak--
are never happier than when they can depend on a man.
21. It often gives a lady a pleasure to give her lover a pang.
22. With woman 'Yea' and 'Nay' are meaningless and interchangeable terms.

And a video that coincides with its theme:

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