Saturday, September 1, 2007


So here it is!

1. Academics
2. In-School Extracurriculars
3. Out-of-School Extracurriculars
4. Home
5. Others

1. Academics
1st Period: Yearbook
NO HOMEWORK, but I took pictures of my Chamorro class for the
Academics pages of the Ybook.
2nd Period: AP US Government & Politics
Read Federalist 51 & 2. Read pg. 28-38 of textbook. Read up on Current Events.
3rd Period: Chamorro Class
Plan filming of Austronesian Languages, Chamorro Language and Chants project
Print 2 lyrics for 60-lyrics project
4th Period: AP World History
Read Article 12 for Sept 4 quiz. Take notes.
Do notes pages for Articles 1-12.
Do Reader's Response pages for Articles 1-12.
Do current events assignments for 1st quarter.
Read 12 Documents for Apparts, do apparts, print, DUE TUESDAY.

2. In-School Extracurriculars
- Close-Up Club:
Contact presidents from other Saipan, Tinian, and Rota schools.
Contact presidents from other territories: Guam, US Virgin Islands, American Samoa.
Arrange calendar of activities for SY07-08.
Make flyer for 2nd meeting.
Put notice in bulleting for 2nd meeting (Friday, Sept 7, lunch).
Create Facebook/Myspace group.
T-Shirt design ideas.
- National Honor Society
Check up on Application status.
- The Voice (MHS Newspaper)
Find out: "Will there be an MHS Newspaper this year??"
- Student Council
Find out results for election! Then take down flyers. hehe.
- National Forensics League
When's the next competition?
- Thespian Society
When's the next competition?
- Davis's Club
Get more info. -_-
3. Out-Of-School Extracurriculars
- "Up the Down Staircase"!
Memorize lines! And work on getting blocking down.
- Thespian College Auditioners
email! email! email!
Presentation for this week Thursday.
- CNMI Youth Congress
Ask Ms. Cabrera when the petition forms will be passed out. -_-

4. Home
- Clean room. LOL.
- Write a letter to brother in Georgia. :(

5. Others
- Self-learning time. :)

1 comment:

caroline.leigh said...

i'm assigning precedence to the self-learning time.

it sounds like the least taxing activity out of all of them.

geez, rachel! don't forget to sleep!