Saturday, September 15, 2007

From Susan Safford's "Quaint Epitaphs"

"Quaint Epitaphs"

Susan Darling Safford.

Copyright, 1895,

My wife lies here.
All my tears cannot bring her back;
Therefore, I weep.

Sacred to the memory of Violate, by purchase the Slave of Amos Fortune, by marriage his wife, by fidelity his companion and solace, and by his death his widow.

Behold! I come as a thief.

A rum cough carried him off.

Here lies the body of old Uncle David,
Who died in the hope of being sa-ved.
Where he's gone or how he fares,
Nobody knows and nobody cares.

I was somebody—who? is no business of yours.


Open thine eyes Lord
I come! I come!

Here lies the body of Samuel Proctor
Who lived and died without a doctor.

When I am dead and in my grave
And all my bones are rotten,
If this you see, remember me,
Nor let me be forgotton.

Under these stones lies three children dear;
Two are burried at Taunton and I lie here.

One truth is certain when this life is o'er,
Man dies to live and lives to die no more.

Submit, submitted to her heavenly King
Being a flower of the etheral Spring—
Near three years old she died—In Heaven to wait
The year was sixteen hundred forty eight.

John and Lydia, that blooming pair,
A whale killed him and her body lies here.

A blacksmith's epitaph composed by himself.

My sledge and hammer lie reclined,
My bellows too have lost their wind,
My fire's extinct, my forge decayed,
And in the dust my vice is laid.
My iron spent, my coal is gone,
My nails are drove—my work is done.

Indulgent world I bid adieu.
Farewell, dear friends, farewell to you.
No more kindness can I show,
To any creature here below.
I am invited to my tomb,
To sleep awhile till Jesus come.

Here lies the body of Obadiah Wilkinson

And Ruth, his wife.

Their warfare is accomplished.

I go to meet my brother.

He got a fish bone in his throat
And then he sang an angel's note.

This corpse
Phebe Thorps.

To the memory of
Susan Mum.

Silence is wisdom.

Reader, go thou and do likewise.

Some have children others none,
Here lies the mother of twenty one.

He heard the angels calling him,
From the celestial shore.
He flopped his wings and away he flew
To make one angel more.

A zealous locksmith died of late,
And did not enter Heaven's gate.
But stood without and would not knock
Because he meant to pick the lock.

Here lies Jane Smith,
Wife of Thomas Smith, Marble Cutter.

This monument was erected by her husband as a tribute to her memory and a specimen of his work.

Monuments of this same style are two hundred and fifty dollars.

Our papa dear has gone to Heaven
To make arrangements for eleven.

Here lies Ann Mann.
She lived an old maid
But died an old Mann.

Beneath this monumental stone
Lies half a ton of flesh and bone.


Good friends for Jesus' sake forbear
To stir the dust enclosed here.
Blest be the man who spares these stones
And cursed be he who moves my bones.

She lived with her husband fifty years
And died in the confident hope of a better life.

Here lies the body of John Mound
Lost at sea and never found.

"To all the boys I've loved before" - Mayda de Valle

I love Project Gutenberg. I've been able to find priceless online books that would most likely be pricey offline. Here are quotes from a book I found that was dated back to the 18th-19th century.

1. The greater a man's faith in himself, the greater his mistress hers in
him. And perhaps, the greater his mistress her faith in a man, the
greater his in himself. For A woman's faith in a man works wonders.
2. A man to whom a woman cannot look up, she cannot love.
3. Heaven help the man who is dragged into a quarrel between two wrathful
4.What a paltry thing, after all, is man, man uncomplemented by woman! Left
to himself, he stagnates; linked with a woman, he rises---or sinks. A
gentle touch stimulates him, a confiding heart makes of him a new
creature. Under the rays of feminine sympathy, he expands who else would
remain inert. Fame may allure him, friends encourage him, fortune cause
him a momentary smile, but only woman makes him; and fame, friends,
fortune, all are naught if there be not at his side a sharer of his weal.
A man will strive for fortune, strip himself for friends, scour the earth
for fame; but were there no woman in the world to be won, not one of
these things would he do.
5. The man who declares he understands women, declares his folly. For, If woman were not such a mystery, she would not be such an attraction.
6. A woman asks a woman questions in order to discover something. She asks
a man questions in order to discover the man.
7. It is not within the capability of man to evoke or to develop the
totality of woman. There are feminine potentialities he is powerless to
awake. There is a portion of womanliness always hidden from him. To her
babe alone she opens the innermost recesses of her soul
8. They say a woman cannot argue. Hear her explain an indiscretion!
9. An independent woman is a contradiction in terms. For
Woman's chief want is to feel that she is wanted.
10. Naturally, Women are made to soothe, to pity, to comfort, to delight. Therefore it
is that To see a strong man in a weak woman's arms is a sight which should arouse
--not our laughter, but our(1) envy.
11. A penitent woman is rare: Even when a man, with his so-called superior reason, thinks he has proved
her wrong, at the bottom of her heart she knows herself right.
12. All women are rivals. And this they never forget. Consequently Mistrust a truce between hostile ladies.
13. Is the star any the less starry to the rapt star-gazer when he finds it
to be a tremulous planet?
14. Speak to a woman disparagingly of her sex,--she is up in arms. Speak to her disparagingly of a member of her sex,--well, she will not be up in arms.
15. A woman can say more in a sigh than a man can say in a sermon.
16. Under the gaze of a group of men whom she knows that her brilliancy
dazzles, a woman, like the snow-clad hearth, sparkles:
Under the gaze of a man by whom she knows she is passionately desired,
like the same earth under the lordly sun, she melts.
17. The women who perturb men most are those who combine too effectively
adorableness with desirableness.
18. As a rule, women are far better readers of character than are men. A
woman will often startle a man by her penetrating insight into character.
19. The defenselessness of woman is a conventional fiction: she can avert an
attack by a look; she can terminate a siege by a taunt.
20.Women--whether young or old, married or single, strong-minded or weak--
are never happier than when they can depend on a man.
21. It often gives a lady a pleasure to give her lover a pang.
22. With woman 'Yea' and 'Nay' are meaningless and interchangeable terms.

And a video that coincides with its theme:

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Save $$$ On Books

Thank you to the Gutenberg Project!

Voila! A site with links to free e-books! I wish I had this before I started AP Literature last school year...

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Oldies Movies Heaven!



The following are upcoming activities at the American Memorial Park Theater:

September: Pirate’s Month
Sept. 19 - Captain Blood, starring Errol Flynn.
Also: 4pm-7pm is "Talk Like a Pirate" activities for children

October - Monster Month
Oct. 7 - Dracula, starring Bela Lugosi
Oct. 31 - Frankenstein, starring Boris Karloff

Sunday canteen program (first Sunday of the month):
Nov. 4 - Sergeant York, starring Gary Cooper
Dec. 2 - Holiday Inn, starring Bing Crosby, Fred Astaire, and many others.

All movies start at 2pm and are FREE.


I can't wait to go! Old movies in the WWII Museum theater! I can't wait!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Alive Again

Falling into a spiraling black hole called home, sucked into the negativity, the hate, the pettiness of small-minded thinking, trapped in the chains of survival, in the clutches of Mother Nature's wrath, frightened by the black suspense of a growing maze, branching, branching, branching, branching out into more darkness. The problem ever expanding, the resolve small, the question is survival. What happens when you don't survive? You die. Caught in the negativity. Who was Rene Descartes? You think therefore you are? Praying for truth in words; remembering that God built life with words. Begging for your God, my God, our God to save us from the wretchedness of death--that not being its inevitable arrival, rather being the difficulty viewing one's path to death in a brighter light. Are you afraid to die? We all die. We will all die. Wishes for mortality are fool's follies drenched in black, drenched in blindness. Please open my eyes Lord, and save me from this shadow that encompasses my whole self, this shadow that says that there is no where to run, no where to hide. Or rather...let me accept the dark. Let me run through the corridors of time with light in my heart and not in my hands. Where is the world I cried for? The world of whose problems I pleaded to take away? Below me. Before me. All around me. In me, my heart, my breath. I want to breathe again. I want to see reason in living this petty life again. Social institutions, congregations of people gathered to gather but not to act, the emptiness within familiar many's battling the feeling of nothing, the fear of nothing contrasting the fact that we know nothing, the absence of truth masking the true facade that in life there is no true certainty but there is faith in what we believe may be true. I need to live again. I need to breathe again. I need to feel like I'm adding positivity, adding good, adding worth to the lives of those around me that give me reasons to live. Live again; I will live again, I will live again, I live again. I'M ALIVE AGAIN.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Ah, the Web, the blog, the blogosphere, the blogniverse, the weblog... I haven't been able to post a straight update in months. Writer's block, says you? Undenyable prospects present, says I. To banish the banshee of the block, I will redeem myself tonight with a train or a black hawk helicopter or a space shuttle or a transmittable portable SELF-INITIATING GRAVITATIONAL fOoOoOorRRrRcCceeEEE!!!! Bwahahahahaha!!!!... a train of thoughts. :)

Tink. Tink. Tink. Tink. I like that sound. It reminds me of the occasional headache. Right now it reminds me of Chinese water torture. "Torture". That word reminds me of the word "torpor". The word "torpor" reminds me of the novel "Wuthering Heights". You know what other words I've been magnetized to lately? I like the words "futile" and "wily". Futile--unnecessary, useless--leads my tink-tink-tinkering brain to the Star Trek quote: "RESISTANCE IS FUTILE!" Wily--cunning, mischievous--reminds me of Wily Coyote from that one Acme cartoon they always used to play on the Cartoon Network when I was a kidderoo. And "Coyote" reminds me of "peyote" (please note that I am not high, I only possess the wily capability of causing people to think so). This morning, while getting ready for school, I was listening to NPR. I don't usually listen to NPR; I don't usually listen to the radio. (Mom bought this tiny portable radio though, and she switched it on in my room this morning to wake me up.) So, I was listening to this program on NPR on the growing prevalance of Peyote use in Mexico and the increasing number of tourists that peruse to the country in search of the stuff. It was rather interesting. It caught my focus. I get bored easily. I crave mental stimulation. It's like my ethereal fuel. Ah! There are ants on the computer table! Be right back....

Ok, m'back. I'm eating Salsitas, too. Mmmmm....Salsita's.... Hhokay!

Check this out:

What to do...what to do... I have a question for you? How do you stay focused? How do you concentrate? How do people keep their head on one subject or one frame of reference for an extended period of time? I have problems concentrating. Especially as of late.. It's as though my head is a glass prism encapsulating a billion jumping jelly beans! I say that in a note more solemn that that exclamation point implies. Hafashatafashata....brbrble... Hey!

Check this out:
(I was angry! I was only asking a question! My intention was not to get this posted! Bah!)

Ooh! And you HAVE to check this out:
(Caroline, I love ya. =] )

Ok.... I need to get my head together; it's the same as getting your stuff together.

Night all! Well, sorta. For now.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Spoonerisms, Moon in Prisms... Interesting. :)

know your blowsblow your nose
go and shake a towergo and take a shower
tease my earsease my tears
nicking your posepicking your nose
you have very mad bannersyou have very bad manners
lack of piespack of lies
it's roaring with painit's pouring with rain
sealing the hickhealing the sick
go help me sodso help me God
pit nickingnit picking
bowel feastfoul beast
I'm a damp stealerI'm a stamp dealer
hypodemic nurdlehypodermic needle
wave the sailssave the whales
chipping the flannel on TVflipping the channel on TV
mad bunnybad money
I'm shout of the hourI'm out of the shower
lead of spitespeed of light
this is the pun fartthis is the fun part
I hit my bunny phoneI hit my funny bone
flutter bybutterfly
bedding wellswedding bells
I must mend the sailI must send the mail
cop pornpopcorn
it crawls through the faxit falls through the cracks
my zips are lippedmy lips are zipped
bat flatteryflat battery
would you like a nasal hut?would you like a hazel nut?
puke oncoupon
belly jeansjelly beans
eye ballbye all
fight in your raceright in your face
ready as a stocksteady as a rock
no tailstoe nails
hiss and learlisten here
soul of balladbowl of salad

Thespian Festival: College Audition Callbacks

My summer started with a week of Forensic League Nationals to a week of the Int'l Thespian Festival to a month of JSA.

I did the College Auditions at the Thespian Festival. I got callbacks from the following universities/colleges:

1. University of Minnesota-Guthrie
2. New York University
3. PennState University
4. Marquette University
5. St. Louis University
6. Wake Forest University
7. Loyola University
8. University of Nebraska-Lincoln
9. Nebraska-Wesleyan University
10. University of Missouri-Columbia
11. University of Wyoming
12. Otterbein College
13. Lindenwood College
14. Kirkwood College
15. Gustavus Adolphus College
16. College of Santa Fe
17. American Musical and Dramatic Academy
18. Savannah College of Arts and Design

My island-kid self needs help: which ones here are you most familiar with? Which would you give the best reps?

The Axial Age! (700-500 B.C.E.)

So, took me the whole day to read the Article assignment for Doc's AP World History class. It entailed a day replete with sniffle intermissions, 30 minute naps, lots and lots of orange juice, and a wily imagination. :) Talk about fun! lol. But, really, it was fun.

I miss those summer days where you could just lounge around the house reading up on that subject that always seemed to irk your interest. I don't get many of those these days, but with an open mind, a healthy bit of tolerance, and the power of multi-tasking, I say "Nae".

The Axial Age! 700 to 500 B.C.E.! A three hundred year period before the common era! Mwahahaha! Here's my response outline, it'll help me recap on what I read:

Act Four: The Axial Age (700-500 B.C.E)
D. & J. Johnson, "Human Drama" Volume I
I. Introduction
A. Why was there so much speculation?
B. What kinds of questions were people asking?
C. The Search for Answers

II. The Axial Age in West Asia
A. Setting the Stage
B. What made the Assyrians such effective fighters?
C. The Hebrew Prophets: Monotheism, Ethics, and Law
1. Amos
2. Job: YHWH was one and only god.
D. Zoroaster: Dualism and War
1. What kinds of choices did people have?
- Zarathustra: member of Iranian warrior clan. Greek name--"Zoroaster".
Ideas--Good (Ahura Mazda) v. Evil (Ahriman), converted King Bactria, led spread of Zoroastrianism. Zoroastrians called "Parsi" in India.
Calendar starts from 1 A.R. (630 B.C.E.) start of his revelations.
2. What does ethical dualism mean?
- for every pair of opposites, one is good, other is evil.

III. The Axial Age in India
A. Setting the Stage
- 1700 BCE Indo-European Aryans migrate into Indus River valley
- 17 small kingdoms in northern India by 6th century BCE
- Magadha and Kosala 2 most powerful citystates
- Magadha had iron, controlled eastern Gangetic plain
- Brahmins / Brahminism: 1000 BCE most prestigious group in India, prevalent Indian religion, animal sacrifices for salvation, Brahmin is the highest caste of varna
- Dharma: one's role/job in society
- Rajas: citystate rulers, several million people each
- Varna: hierarchy of castes in India
B. Ascetics Challenge Brahmin Domination
- Ascetism: interfering religion to Brahminism by 700 B.C.E., the letting go of humanistic desires for spiritual introspection
- Upanishads: documents recording Ascetic beliefs, means "to sit down near"
- Brahman: not "brahmin", one central ascetic idea in upanishads, the one reality of the world, identical to atman
- Atman: an individual's deepest self
- Moksha: an individual's oneness with the Brahman, achieved through study or meditation
**Remember the story of Svetaketu and the banyan fruit? "That is reality. Thou art that."
- Samsara: the idea of rebirth a.k.a. reincarnation, first written recordings in Upanishads, "all that lives dies and is reborn".
- karma: measure of how perform's one's dharma
C. Mahavira: Ahimsa, Tolerance, and the Doctrine of Maybe
- Vardhamana Mahavira (540-467 B.C.E.), born a prince in Magadha, at 30 became ascetic
- Jiva: "something like a soul", encapsuled in solid matter, one's karma either frees or further encapsules jiva
- Ahimsa: one of Mahavira's most important teachings, what a person thinks influences how he acts, violence in thought leads to violence in actions
1. How can Vira practice Ahimsa?
- Vira: a heroic warrior
- Maha: great
- Mahavira: new kind of warrior, warrior for the inner desires of man
- Doctrine of Maybe: principle of tolerance for other beliefs *Remember the story of the 5 blind men and the elephant?

Eh, I'm going to give it rest for the night. Good night! =D

Sunday, September 2, 2007

The Latte Leche Commercial

My latest commercial. Filmed the day before it was due. Editted the night before it was due. Burned the morning it was due. :)

This was a commercial for Chamorro Class, my foreign language requirement class. We had to put together a presentation of a commercial for a product to be sold to a Chamorro-speaking community.

Latte Leche (Latte Milk)
Para un mas metgot it talang-mu kini i Latte' (For bones as strong as latte stones)

Saturday, September 1, 2007


So here it is!

1. Academics
2. In-School Extracurriculars
3. Out-of-School Extracurriculars
4. Home
5. Others

1. Academics
1st Period: Yearbook
NO HOMEWORK, but I took pictures of my Chamorro class for the
Academics pages of the Ybook.
2nd Period: AP US Government & Politics
Read Federalist 51 & 2. Read pg. 28-38 of textbook. Read up on Current Events.
3rd Period: Chamorro Class
Plan filming of Austronesian Languages, Chamorro Language and Chants project
Print 2 lyrics for 60-lyrics project
4th Period: AP World History
Read Article 12 for Sept 4 quiz. Take notes.
Do notes pages for Articles 1-12.
Do Reader's Response pages for Articles 1-12.
Do current events assignments for 1st quarter.
Read 12 Documents for Apparts, do apparts, print, DUE TUESDAY.

2. In-School Extracurriculars
- Close-Up Club:
Contact presidents from other Saipan, Tinian, and Rota schools.
Contact presidents from other territories: Guam, US Virgin Islands, American Samoa.
Arrange calendar of activities for SY07-08.
Make flyer for 2nd meeting.
Put notice in bulleting for 2nd meeting (Friday, Sept 7, lunch).
Create Facebook/Myspace group.
T-Shirt design ideas.
- National Honor Society
Check up on Application status.
- The Voice (MHS Newspaper)
Find out: "Will there be an MHS Newspaper this year??"
- Student Council
Find out results for election! Then take down flyers. hehe.
- National Forensics League
When's the next competition?
- Thespian Society
When's the next competition?
- Davis's Club
Get more info. -_-
3. Out-Of-School Extracurriculars
- "Up the Down Staircase"!
Memorize lines! And work on getting blocking down.
- Thespian College Auditioners
email! email! email!
Presentation for this week Thursday.
- CNMI Youth Congress
Ask Ms. Cabrera when the petition forms will be passed out. -_-

4. Home
- Clean room. LOL.
- Write a letter to brother in Georgia. :(

5. Others
- Self-learning time. :)