Tuesday, April 10, 2007

10 Rules for Being Human and Interesting AP Lit Convo

[Before you start reading, play the 3rd song on my Imeem player @ the bottom of my profile, and you may proceed reading after pressing play.]
So we were separated into groups of three to discuss and answer questions for the play we finished reading today, Death of Salesman by Arthur Miller. I get grouped with Bernadeth and Ki Young (which is awesome because they're always fun to work with). A little on 'Deth and Ki. Bernadeth is a Junior-Senior whom I've known since my freshie year here in MHS; she's one of the most intellectual cats the school has seen. Sweet girl, that one. She's in the same grade as I am and would've been our valedictorian, but she chose the option of graduating with the Seniors this year--but get this, now she's their valedictorian. (lol. Go 'Deth) Ki Young is called the "Communist North Korean" by our rad, Ultra-liberal, atheist, ordained, AP Lit teacher, Dr. Algaier. She transferred into our school from Mount Carmel after Junior High, and what amazes me about Ki is the number of AP classes she's taken right when she got into MHS. The girl has brains. Super cool Asian brains, but good think-tinkering brains. (Woo! Go Asians! Chyeah!) I love 'Deth and Ki boff.

Anyway, after answering a few questions, Doc (Dr. Algaier) wanders over to our side of the table and picks up a book of mine I nonchalantly laid in front of me earlier. It's entitled "If Life is a Game, These are the Rules" by Cherie Carter-Scott, Ph.D.
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He reads this and he asks me "Is this some kind of spiritual shit? Whaddaya mean 'if life is a game, these are the rules'? Is 'life a game'?" [And you gotta understand that this is just the way that Doc is. He's cool like that, not like other mean old AP teachers, even said I should marry his son which is like.. "wtflol" and "?!?!#?@?", told my mom that his son was my fiance on report card day. I laugh at how I managed to cover that up. lol.] I tell him, "They use the analogy of life being a game, so technically there should be rules." He can't hear me. I repeat. So he reads some of the rules. I'll give them all to you:
1. You will receive a body.
2. You will be presented with lessons.
3. There are no mistakes, only lessons.
4. Lessons are repeated until learned.
5. Learning does not end.
6. "There" is no better than "here".
7. Others are only mirrors of you.
8. What you make of your life is up to you.
9. All the answers lie inside of you.
10. You will forget all of this at birth.

So the conversation progresses and later it hits me: Arthur Miller was the dude that Marilyn Monroe married. To clarify, I bring it up with Doc. He confirms, and we start talking about Marilyn Monroe.
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And all the affairs she had. Joe Dimaggio. John F. Kennedy. AND John's BROTHER, Robert F. Kennedy. And countless other men. Or Idk. People. ?

Somehow, despite how ludicrous her reputation was, a part of me really admires the woman for the way she lived her life..

Ok. Back to the classroom setting. Doctor Algaier was talking about her affair with the Kennedy brothers and 'Deth says "Really??" and Doc says "Yeah! Remember that song [and he starts singing] 'Haaappy biirrthdayy, Mrr. Preesssidenntt..." And I'm thinking "Ugh! I don't want to hear my teacher singing this!!!" I put my head down and cover my ears. LOL. Well, anyway, that's good for now. I wonder if I could find that song on Imeem...


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