1. I aspire of interning at the Washington Reps office for a year or two
and then going forward from there. This picture is a head-dress adver-
tisement: Mwarmwars and cowboy hats. Yeehaw, amigo.
2. Louvele Borja, beautiful as ever. ;)
3. My head. I love the facial expressions on everyone's face as they
look at Rep. Teno. lol..
4. Apparently, everyone's hiding something. Why is everyone smiling
whereas Pete isn't? And where am I? Is this something "height-related"? lol.
5. Oh, how I love the upper east coast... (=...
6. The mwarmwar was itchy.
I think that the only problems I have with Washington D.C. would be how shockingly clean the place is.
And..conservative. I need to explore the city more to find out. The conservative part scares me though.
Lol. Another scary thought would be the ever constant formality in dress and manner. I mean. If I ran DC,
I'd declare that every Friday be Casual-Dress day; and in Autumn Casual dress days, people would be in comfy
clothing and tennis shoes kicking up maple leaves in their orange-red-yellow piles... And then! Friends would
roll around in the green grass! Just so long as we aren't in a dog park... And in the spring, we'd explore the other states! Oh!
Oh! Oh! The Metro! I love the Metro... Oh well.. lol.. Before I start planning on what I'd do there, I'll plan on how I'll get there. :P
1 comment:
holy hell. and i thought i was short! he's tiny!
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